Gombe State University was established in April 2004. With effect from the Academic session 2005/2006, the Faculty of Science, comprising six departments started functioning. The Department of Mathematics is one of them. It carries out three programmes: B. Sc. (Hons) Mathematics, B. Sc. (Hons) Statistics and B. Sc. (Hons) Computer Science. The students who first got enrolled in the department have since graduated. After completing the four-year programme successfully, students will be conferred the degrees of B. Sc. (Hons) Computer science, B. Sc. (Hons) Mathematics and B. Sc. (Hons) Statistics depending upon the programme in which they enrolled.
The undergraduate courses in the various programmes have been designed to provide a comprehensive training in theory and practical taking into consideration the modern trends in the field of Science and InformationTechnology. The department possesses a well-equipped computer laboratories with more than (100) computers for the useof students, research scholars and the staff members.
To begin with, the department enrolled 41 students (22-Computer Science, 10-Mathematics, 8-Statistics).The Mathematics department of GombeStateUniversity provides curricula for all these three programmes i.e. B. Sc. (Hons) Mathematics, B. Sc. (Hons) Statistics and B. Sc. (Hons) Computer Science
Mathematics is fundamental to the development of science and technology all over the world. This issue of fundamentality is the bedrock of manpower development in area of Mathematics. Mathematics is the science of the structure, order, and relations that has been evolved from elemental practice of counting, measuring and describing the shapes of objects. It deals with logical reasoning and quantitative calculation, and its development has involved an increasing degree of idealization and abstraction of its subject matter. The guiding philosophy behind B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics programme has, therefore been summarized as follows:
i. To promote teaching and research in Mathematics with an emphasis to meet the educational, economic and social objectives of the State as well as that of the nation as a whole.
ii. To keep pace with expanding frontiers of knowledge across the world.
To provide qualified work force in the country who can take it to new heights in the various developmental activities and thereby increasing the quality of life of the people.
The objectives of the programme are as under:
i. To create and develop among the students awareness and enthusiasm toward Mathematics and its wide applications and usefulness in various branches of knowledge.
ii. To provide qualified teaching staff to schools and other institutions of higher learning
iii. To improve the quality and capacity of work force managing the state civil service.
iv. Equip students with the knowledge and skills in the subject so that they can provide man power support in the areas of Mathematical consultancy as it may be required in governmental and non-governmental establishments.
To provide a conductive environment for research and development.
a. Direct Entry: Two ‘A’ level passes in Mathematics and any other science subject or NCE at lower credit in Mathematics and one of Physics or Chemistry
b. UME: Five ‘O’ level credit to include English language, Mathematics and at least three (3) subjects from Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Economics and Geography.
Any other requirement as may be specified by the university admission policy of the federal republic of Nigeria.
The Duration of B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics programmed is four years except for Direct Entry students for whom it is three years. There are two semesters of formal University studies in each academic session. At 300 level, a student is expected to go for a 6-month Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) after completion of the first semester courses at the end of which he/she has to write, present and defend a report on what he/she learnt in the industry. At 400 level students undertake a one year project in any field of Mathematics.
For a student starting at 100 level to graduate he/she needs to earn at least a total of 147 credit units of which 132 must be core.
For a Direct Entry (DE) student to graduate he/she needs to earn at least a total of 117 credit units of which 108 must be core.