Dr. Sani Adamu, DEAN


The faculty of clinical sciences of the College of Medical Sciences, Gombe State University consists of ten departments involved in training the medical students in various aspects of clinical medicine. With the sustained momentum by the College to see to the final accreditation and graduation of the first set of medical students, the University hosted an assessment team from the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria from 16 to 17th October, 2019. The Overall impression of the visitation panel was that the College and the clinical arm in particular is well equipped and motivated to train good quality doctors for not only Gombe state but for Nigeria and indeed the sub-region. Following recommendation of the visiting team, the university was granted full accreditation for training of medical doctors.


The first set of clinical students commenced clinical training and were indexed in October, 2016. This set successfully had their final professional main examination. The first exit examinations were supervised by representatives of Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria and external examiners. The feedback from the external examiners was full of commendation for the University and College for setting very high standards. The first set of graduates took their oaths as doctors on the 27th March, 2020. The clinical arm of the College of Medical sciences now has full complement of students.


The College is equipped with state of the arts interactive mannequins for clinical teaching and simulators for different clinical scenarios in Internal medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology and Surgery. The skills laboratory is one the best equipped in the country.