About the Directorate
The Directorate of Academic Planning was established in 2005. It operates under the office of the Vice-Chancellor and headed by the Director who is a senior academic staff. Other members of the Directorate include Administrative Officer, Computer Operator and other supportive staff.
The objectives of the Directorate are to maintain the academic standards of the various programmes in the University by ensuring compliance with NUC policies in keeping with best practices; and to obtain relevant and accurate data for generating information to guide the University Management in accurate and timely decision making on matters affecting the University.
Major Activities
- It serves as a feedback system to the Vice-Chancellor on academic matters.
- It collates, processes, and produces University statistics annually for submission to NUC as and when requested.
- It keeps up-to-date administrative records of student enrolment, graduate output, staffing and finance.
- It keeps up-to-date records of the accreditation status of all academic programmes in the University.
- It liaises with Deans and Heads of Department for the purpose of accreditation exercises.
- It ensures that Self-Study Forms for all academic programmes due for accreditation are completed correctly and all the necessary information required are provided.
- It is responsible for the preparation of academic calendar for the university and ensures that it is implemented and submitted to NUC.
- It ensures that only programmes with NUC’s approved Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards (BMAS) are allowed to run in the University.
- It keeps abreast of the BMAS and raises issues for review as appropriate.
- It ensures that the BMAS for each discipline is made available to all faculties, departments and is widely circulated among academic staff in the University for reference purposes.
- It keeps abreast of the Academic Brief and informs the University Management of its provisions and ensures strict compliance in the implementation of the Brief.
- It ensures that the University’s Academic Brief is reviewed as and when due and is submitted to the NUC for analysis.
- It ensures that the University meets all NUC conditions/requirements when applying for the establishment of new academic units and programmes in the University, and also ensures that approval is given by NUC before the commencement of any programme.
- It is responsible for the completion and submission of application forms for the establishment of new units and programmes and splitting of already existing programmes and units at all levels.
- It advises the University on strategic plan for the University, and ensures compliance with the NUC guidelines in designing the plan.