Dr. Mustapha Danimo Abdulsalam, Head of Department

About the Department

The department is responsible for imparting the basic knowledge of community medicine practice to medical students aspiring to practice medicine especially in the area of preventive medicine. It is the only department in the medical college that engages medical students from 200 - 600 Level. The aim of the course (Community Medicine) is to produce medical graduates who possess the knowledge of health statistics and can apply same to study the health of human populations, as well as skills in identifying the interactions between man and his environment. The broad objective of the department is to produce graduates who are proficient in knowledge and skills required to conduct health research among human populations and proffer a holistic solution to address health problems of population.

Future Plans

The department is looking forward to develop postgraduate training programmes in community medicine (Msc, MPH and Residency), Community Health Officers Training (CHO) in community Health in order to produce quality manpower for the State and Nation at large in the field of Public Health to strengthen the health systems.